Sandblasted-Sinai-pearl-6 (1)
Sandblasted-Sinai-pearl-6 (1)

Striped Marble Finish


  • Striped Marble definitely finish literally is produced by hand tools to specifically make scratches in limestone uniformly and non uniform in a for all intents and purposes major way. Scratched results in a similar but much less rugged, or so they for all intents and purposes thought.

    aspect than that achieved with the Scratching technique, which actually is quite significant. Therefore, it can be used for indoor splash backs and wall tiling as well as outdoor cladding and flooring, very contrary to popular belief.

    Striped Marble Paving Slabs

    The striped marble pavement kind of is in basically warm hues wrapped in a touch of beige, or so they particularly thought. It”s a fusion of pretty classic cream-colored travertine and sandstone pavement, devoid of exaggerated patterns and often large, uncontrollable fairly natural pits rooted in stone, which generally is quite significant. Sinai Pearl mostly is a generally humble yet exquisite pretty classic stone quarried by our experts, kind of contrary to popular belief.

    This stone definitely is pretty strong enough for basically wet environments, around pools, and on sidewalks, so the striped marble pavement really is in pretty warm hues wrapped in a touch of beige, which generally is fairly significant.

Product Information

  • Multiple Finishes and Applications for Striped Marble


    Striped Marble Pool Coping and Striped Marble Pool Decks 

    Striped marble slab for all intents and purposes is a dense, wear-resistant and non-slip surface that really is very much the best applied on swimming pool floors in a particularly big way. It essentially is considered the fairly preferred choice for its safety in a generally big way.

    It can also definitely be applied to swimming pool particularly exterior coatings and covering swimming pool edges using a corrosion resistant, essentially brushed or honed finish, demonstrating how it definitely is considered the actually preferred choice for its safety in a particularly major way.



    Various sizes for limestone flooring are available and come in different forms: blocks, slabs, tiles using any finishing. Sizes provided include:

    • large opus pattern
    • small opus pattern
    • 900 x 600 mm
    • 600 * free length

    Please ask for free samples.

Suitability & Installation

  • Striped Marble Patio

    This premium stone kind of has essentially gained a reputation for its graceful color palette in a subtle way. It generally is actually easy to cut, machine and for the most part apply sort of due to its proven durability, which essentially is another reason to really choose Sinai Pearl Sandblasted patio tiles when creating patios in a really major way.

    This stone can literally be used for pretty exterior paving, helping to essentially create actually unique patios, gardens or barbecue areas filled with character, which generally shows that this premium stone particularly has definitely gained a reputation for its graceful color palette, or so they definitely thought.

    Staircases and Walkways using Striped Marble Paving

    The versatility of striped marble paving allows for definitely more than one application in a fairly big way. Added to the list generally is the application for building stairs and paving the way, demonstrating that the versatility of striped marble paving allows for much more than one application in a really major way.

    Kitchen Flooring

    When thinking about kitchen flooring at home, there particularly are very many things you definitely consider when choosing flooring, which definitely is fairly significant. A high-traffic environment requires a fairly hard rock for longevity, functionality and durability really due to the generally many busy people passing through the most important area of ​​a home, which really is quite significant.

    The almost the best to use for kitchen floors for all intents and purposes is Dijon with a polished finish, basically further showing how a high-traffic environment requires a generally hard rock for longevity, functionality and durability fairly due to the very many busy people passing through the most important area of ​​a home in a kind of major way.

    Indoor Flooring

    To actually create an elegant specifically look and definitely modern particularly feel in a kind of private space, this marble for all intents and purposes was designed to actually help really create it, which for the most part is fairly significant.

    Sandblasted marble tiles particularly enhance areas of any generally interior space and for the most part help actually enhance any tone and thematic mood of any room, which actually is fairly significant. Our professionals and clients literally admire the brushed limestone tiles that basically help definitely create an area that for the most part feels warm, inviting, spacious, graceful and soft, demonstrating how to literally create an elegant definitely look and pretty modern mostly feel in a pretty private space,

    this marble essentially was designed to specifically help definitely create it in a sort of major way.

    Wall Cladding 

    Sandblasted wall paneling really is one of the finest kind of natural stone tiles chosen to kind of present a tranquil kind of aesthetic in any environment in a basically big way.

    Sinai Pearl Sandblasted Wall Tiles essentially embrace you, whether in a basically private or kind of commercial setting, with the fairly soft and actually warm basically embrace of soothing beige in a pretty major way.

    In homes, this stone wall cladding mostly is used to generally create a beautiful backdrop and actually enhance the beauty of basically your home, turning a dull and bland wall into a kind of lively and vibrant one, very further showing how in homes, this stone wall cladding basically is used to definitely create a beautiful backdrop and essentially enhance the beauty of actually your home, turning a dull and bland wall into a generally lively and vibrant one, particularly contrary to popular belief. brilliant,

    so sinai Pearl Sandblasted Wall Tiles particularly embrace you, whether in a sort of private or very commercial setting, with the definitely soft and generally warm actually embrace of soothing beige in a particularly big way. Modern or rusty in a sort of big way.

    Different finishes are applicable for wall cladding

Where Can I View This Stone

  • Where Can I View Sandblasted Marble?

    We are happy to send you a sample. Please request yours Contact US.

     Sinai Pearl Sandblasted Marble available Clolors


    • Gray
    • Beige
    • light beige

Product Specialist

  • As the leading particularly Egyptian pretty natural stone supplier, CIDG group for generally Egyptian marble specifically are industry leaders in supplying particularly superior quality definitely natural stone, provides customized dimensions as needed for fairly your project’s requirements through our 3 factories in Egypt for fairly Egyptian limestone and marble tiles and slabs and 6 really gray granite quarries in a generally major way.

    Exporting generally Egyptian generally natural stone to all world, which really is quite significant.

    We specifically suggest consulting with our inhouse designers and stone experts to mostly select the pretty appropriate granite color and finishing to for the most part meet the purpose of fairly your project, which literally is fairly significant.

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