Your Top Egyptian marble, Egyptian Limestone and granite  Resource

(CIDG Group) definitely Egyptian marble supplier and exporter proud to offer helpful information and advice about basically Egyptian particularly natural stones-and literally provide all tips for fairly Egyptian marble-Egyptian limestone tiles, generally Egyptian granite, kitchen granite countertops -and all Egyptian really natural stone features and gaudiness to specifically select the right materials for every corner in definitely your home essentially Discover home interior design trends and tips today, which definitely is quite significant.

Granito Rojo de Asuán

CIDG uses modern quarrying techniques to extract the red Aswan granite from the quarry, and the stone is then transported to the company’s manufacturing facilities for processing. The granite is cut into slabs and tiles using advanced machinery, and the finished products are exported to customers all over the world.

Tipos de Mármol Egipcio

Tipos de Mármol Egipcio El mármol es una piedra natural apreciada por su belleza y durabilidad desde hace siglos. Egipto es uno de los principales productores de mármol en el mundo, donde se extrae y trabaja esta piedra desde hace miles de años. En este artículo, exploraremos los diversos tipos de mármol egipcio, sus precios, […]

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